Monday, March 1, 2010

Has it really been 2 months???

WOW! It has been so long it is hard to remember what she was doing last time... now she is starting to string together short sentences (2 words) like "dada poop" (anytime anyone uses the bathroom!) and strings signs with words to create sentences (sign for "where" while saying "cat".) She is also starting to sit on the potty after a play date with Jackson where peer pressure set in. Dylan's obsession with shoes is growing and now she likes to insist you take off your shoes so that she can try them on.
In other news... Clint started a new job at DHS today! It is very exciting for our family and hopefully it will be a good change. Also, Dave and Clint worked on the sun room a week ago and it is almost complete! Hopefully we will have a cute little playroom for Dylan soon!