Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 year old!

Wow, a whole year! We can't believe it has been that long, but at the same time it seems like Dylan has been part of our life forever:) To celebrate Dylan's birthday we (Kelley and Grandma Colleen) took Dylan to the zoo in Portland. Dylan had a lot of fun and enjoyed looking at all the different animals, especially the goats. She also went on a train ride where she mostly enjoyed trying to pull the hair of the woman sitting in front of us. Overall, it was a really fun day and mommy even let Dylan try a bite of ice cream!

In other Dylan news... she is really becoming a little person! She has started to use a few simple signs such as "milk" and "more." We are working on adding more to her vocabulary. She also loves to clap her hands and wave to people. Dylan really likes to throw toys over her baby gate and try to fit toys into different containers or toys (what can I fit into the ball ramp??) It is a lot of fun to see the wheels in her head turning. Dylan is eating a lot of solids now and has gotten over her distaste of fresh fruit, which is nice! We also took Dylan on her first bike ride in her bike trailer (thanks Irene!!) Happy birthday Dylan!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I know its been too long huh?

So our camera just stopped working so we haven't been able to put anything on our computer. That is the second Cannon to stop working so we have moved on. I did not care for their ads with that tennis player that looks like phil collins anyway.
So Dylan is crawling everywhere and getting into everything in the house. She really likes to throw the VHS tapes all over the floor. She also really enjoys anything she is not supposed to have namely cell phones and remotes. They don' t name tornadoes but Dylan would be a good name for one because our house looks like one of those trailer parks in arkansas in the afternoon.
She has sat on the potty a few times now and has even tinkled a little while on it. One time she pooped on it but she had already started and was transplanted to her potty so it doesn't really count.
We are very close to having a one year old and fear her advancing mobility a great deal. We will try to update more often now that we have a camera that works. Oh and her birthday party is fast approaching so invitations will be out soon. It is on the 25th of April at Lamb's cottage (the little house at skinner's butte park) from 1-3pm. We don't want gifts for Dylan and instead would like people to bring things that can be donated to shelter care. We called them and they would like things like, art supplies, computer games for kids, play kitchen food, and building blocks.