Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dylan's first presidential election

Dylan is so happy that Obama will be the first president of her lifetime (let's all just forget that few months with Bush...) In other news...

Dylan is becoming more and more fun everyday. She is still having problems sleeping for long periods of time, but we are slowly weening her from needing us to help her get back to sleep. She has now eaten sweet potatoes (her favorite!), carrots, peas, avocado (not a fan), and banana. We have started to feed her 2 times a day and she seems to enjoy it. Dylan can sit up all by herself now, although she sometimes will still tip over. :) Dylan went for a visit with Aunt Stacey this weekend in Portland and also got to see Erin, Jane, and her grandparents! She also went to see the exhibit on photographs of the Gorge at the museum where Dylan enjoyed squealing and hearing the acoustics of the building.