Sunday, June 7, 2009

Arcata is odd.

Its been a couple of weeks but we visited Arcata, CA for the Memorial day weekend. We got to see this weird peddle powered race they do over land, sand, and water. The octomom here was one of the vehicles. We had a great vantage spot on top of the Alibi. The Alibi is Justin's bar and Justin is Grandma Colleen's friend. We also got to visit uncle Jordon while we were there.
The following weekend we took a trip up to the Hood and The Dalles to visit family. Dylan got to swim a little in Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's pool as it was insanely hot in The Dalles.
Dylan is taking steps now but is still a little unsure. She is starting to sign more and we are trying to introduce her to new signs all the time. We are still having Dylan sit on the potty and she goes quite often. I hope people still read this thing. Comments are good.